4 Sure-Fire Ways to Boost Your Company's Twitter Following

4 Sure-Fire Ways to Boost Your Company's Twitter Following

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4 Sure-Fire Ways to Boost Your Twitter Following

4 Sure-Fire Ways to Boost Your Company's Twitter Following text image

(This blog is a follow-up to a previous article on how to, “Skyrocket Your Company Into Twitter All-Star Status.”)

Are you looking for tips to help organically grow your company’s Twitter account, without the aid of a “cheater app?” If so, you’ve come to the right place! We’ve compiled a list of 4 sure-fire ways to boost your company’s Twitter following and get you started on your path to "Twitter Superstardom." So if you’re looking to develop a Twitter following legitimately and rather quickly, try out these 4 strategies and before you know it, you’ll have an abundance of followers hanging on and retweeting your every word.

  1. Follow Your Clients
  2. Image of the Twitter letter T logo

    Your clients have already purchased from you, so why not follow them online? Since you already have a business relationship, you can bet the farm that if you follow them on Twitter, they’ll follow you back! By following your clients, you have the ability to always keep your brand, “Top of Mind.” Focusing your content marketing on delivering captivating, appealing material to your current customers has the potential to establish your company as a thought leader, a creative visionary, and it will most certainly keep you actively engaged with your clients, so that when the buying time comes, they’ll reach out to you for repeat business.

    In addition, your clients are your evangelists and promoters, so when they say good things about your company to their clients, associates, friends, strangers and so on, it’s reasonable to assume that this positive chatter may translate into new business opportunities for your company.

  3. Actively Seek Out Followers

  4. Not everything is a matter of the Field of Dreams motto, “If you build it, he will come.” When you actively seek out followers that you’ve defined as having a potential interest in some facet of your company, there is a high probability that they will follow you back and actually have an interest in the content that you produce. So long as you’ve done your homework correctly, some of these individuals will be keen on your products or services and may reach out to you in the future about a project. There are a ton of different ways to actively seek out quality followers, but we’ll focus on four:

    • First, use the, “Who to follow,” section on Twitter and add accounts that are suggested by Twitter’s algorithm. Please note that Twitter's suggestions aren’t always the greatest, so make sure that you actually click on the account and verify if it is a potential opportunity.

    • Second, peruse through a list of followers of a particular organization that is somehow connected to your company. For instance, if you sell a high end luxury vehicles like the “Maserati,” then it is absolutely in your best interest to visit “Maserati’s” Twitter page, sleuth through their list of followers and start adding contacts.

    • Third, search for key terms and hashtags using Twitter’s search functionality (see point #1 from my previous blog) and then add followers based on their use of your search criteria. This is a fantastic way to find the most recent Twitter chatter about topics that pertain to your business.

    • Fourth, consider taking advantage of third party solutions that delve deeper into your social media accounts to provide you with advanced statistics. Programs like Audiense offer the ability to search Twitter for users with your key search terms in their Twitter description. You can even get more granular with your query and refine your search by location. With programs like Hootsuite, you can set up a dashboard to display social media posts (from Twitter and other social media platforms) that contain certain key phrases or hashtags. Since Hootsuite provides an excellent “bird’s eye view” of how your key terms play out in your social media accounts, it’s fairly simple to scroll through a particular keyword feed and locate new followers of interest.
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  5. Retweet Interesting Material to Your Followers

  6. Pay close attention to your niche audiences, company evangelists, & the key players within your industry – leveraging these individuals will help organically grow your impression base. As mentioned above, you can utilize tools like Hootsuite to keep daily tabs on keywords and when you find something of interest, retweet it to your followers. Practice due diligence and find out what your followers are talking about online, the lingo their using, who they’re chatting with, where they’re conversing, etc. It’s also worthwhile to regularly check in with your some of your more active Twitter followers and influential Twitter accounts, to find out if there is anything worth retweeting. Your evangelists in particular will be thrilled to learn that the company they’re interested in is keen on what they have to say in their online posts.

  7. Document Your Company Events & Announcements

  8. Posting about your company events and writing announcements on Twitter is an excellent way to provide your followers with an up to date, “insider’s view” of what’s happening at your company. Consider tweeting about company announcements, business achievements, staff accolades, organizational gatherings, and holiday events. Accompanying your tweets with photos or videos will make your posts more enticing to click and will increase your overall impressions. Twitter users love pictures and they’re absolutely infatuated with videos!

    If you have a new product or service, let the world of Twitter know – write a press release, make an announcement on Twitter with a link to your website, and keep track of what web traffic is arriving via Twitter by using tools like Google Analytics. If you’ve received an award, talk about your success on Twitter! If the award is a huge deal, then make it sound massive! It’s great to “wow” your followers with your achievements. If you deem the award to be somewhat minor, put on your thinking cap and make it sound like cupcakes and ice cream – AKA, sweeten the tweet up and make it sound super appealing!

Build Up Your Twitter Following & Keep Your Brand “Top of Mind”

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Routine use of a company Twitter account is an awesome tactic for maintaining brand awareness with your existing customer base and keeping your company “Top of Mind” with new prospects. So if you’re not already connected with your clients on Twitter, how do you expect them to know what’s new and exciting at your organization? Although it’s true that you can send them the occasional email, the reality of the situation is that you can’t do that every day. But with Twitter, you can remain in constant contact, as there’s the possibility that your clients will see and review your tweets on a daily basis. That’s why it’s imperative that you “kick off” your Twitter success story by following all of your clients that already have an account.

Remember that establishing a solid social media following can be boiled down to the simple approach of following those who are already interested in you (ex. your clients), finding others who may be keen on your products/services and proactively following them, and then providing your followers with content that makes them want to click for more information. Content Marketing can be simple if you know your audience well, so get to know you followers, captivate them with engaging material and then convert them into brand evangelists and online promoters for your company.

Follow CoreSolutions on Twitter

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What’s the best way to keep up to date on everything happening here at CoreSolutions? Following us on Twitter! Our tweets will keep you entertained and in the information loop, so you’ll never miss a new blog, a sweet retweet or an epic #ThrowbackThursday photo. And so long as you’re not sketchy and lurking in the dark corners of the internet, we’ll probably follow you back!

To learn more about our products and services at CoreSolutions Software, please check out our website and if you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us at 1-800-650-8882 or fill out a contact us form.

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Thanks for reading!

Christopher Lawn


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