Get On The FileMaker Training Train
My name is Kris and I have a pretty sweet job. I’m a FileMaker Account Manager (FAM). One of the roles that falls under my FAM title is FileMaker Training. No, I don’t get to train you - we have better, taller, and more talented people for that, who are certified in multiple versions of FileMaker. As a FAM, I blog about all things FileMaker. This month, I was asked to write about the importance of FileMaker training, which I thought it would be pretty simple – time versus money. But is it that simple?
I am in a unique position in working for CoreSolutions – Prior to joining the team in 2012, I worked for FileMaker here in Canada for 12 years. So as you can guess, I’ve seen all sides of the importance of FileMaker training. Did I mention that I'm an avid FileMaker user?
From FileMaker’s perspective, having users better trained on FileMaker Pro will give FileMaker less support issues, better built databases and, in the longer term, a more diverse pool of future FileMaker developers. This will most certainly lead to the certification better FileMaker developers.
From you, the FileMaker user’s perspective, FileMaker training will provide a better set of skills that can translate into saving time in creating solutions and potentially generating increased income. That’s because a better trained employee is always worth more to any employer.
From CoreSolutions Software's perspective, training offers a chance at helping customers enhance their skills, while customers are afforded the opportunity to learn new material and hopefully earn more in the future. We want to help you succeed and with training you can gain the knowledge that makes the difference when it comes to your FileMaker solutions.
From any company’s perspective, FileMaker training is an investment in your business and an investment in your current and/or future FileMaker solutions. By allowing an employee to be trained, your company is spreading the FileMaker knowledge. Having more than 1 FileMaker knowledge worker will help lower retraining costs if employees should leave or change roles.
Finally, the best advantage to any company is that FileMaker training will lead to better built and more standardized FileMaker solutions. This will also lower the cost of ownership of the FileMaker solution.
Here at CoreSolutions, we offer FileMaker training in different formats. If you’re interested in FileMaker training, here are the types of learning opportunities that we offer:
- Online Training
- Classroom Training
- One-On-One Training at our London Office
- Training at Your Location (one-on-one or one-to-few training)
So What Does FileMaker Training Mean To You?
To put it simply, FileMaker training offers FileMaker users a chance to improve their knowledge base and increase their income earning potential.To learn more about FileMaker Training at CoreSolutions, please check out the FileMaker training section of our website and if you have any questions, reach out to us at 1-800-650-8882 or fill out a contact us form.
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Thanks for reading!
Kris Hayward