Understanding Software in Just 5 YouTube Videos
There are some people in this world who could sit down with you and discuss every aspect of software development from theory to practical uses with ease. There are some people who quiver at the idea of software and don’t understand how it works. And then there are people in the middle who work with software developers’ day in and day out and still can’t seem to understand what it is that they are doing. Those types of people are me. Because of this, I wanted to find some quick helpful videos for people like me that help really describe what software development means.
How Software is Made
Jared Owen – Less Than 4 Minutes
This video showcase the basics of what software is and the development of coding. It discusses programming languages that are popular today and the process that software goes through during development. This video will give a quick overview that is basic enough for beginners to understand, but also goes into several more intermediate subjects.
What Programmers Actually Do
ISS Art, LLC – Less Than 1 Minute
This video is more of a short and fun video rather than informative. In less than one minute you can find out what programmers actually do. This one helps you understand the struggle that programmers go through on a day-to-day basis.
Agile Software Development Methodology
EDISON Software Development Centre – Less Than 2 Minutes
This quick video explains how the agile development process works and describes a few important terms such as: Manifesto, Cycle, Sprint, Scrums, Backlogs and MVP (Minimum Viable Product). Also, included in the video, are the benefits of agile development process.
Dev-olution: Saluting 19 Generations of Computer Programmers
This link isn’t as much a YouTube video, but a great slideshow instead. This slideshow is targeted towards developers who like to see where programming has come over the past few decades. It gives an overview of what each language can do and also talks about the typical developer that would be using it. This one is a fun read!
The Future of Software
The New York Times – Less Than 3 Minutes
This video is very interesting for both software developers and individuals who are into futurism. Quentin Hardy, Deputy Technology Editor for the New York Times, discusses where the world of software is going with entrepreneur and venture capitalist Ben Horowitz. This video discusses how jobs are moving to be more based around technology and how that will affect society and the government.
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Steve Malott