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Complete Aquaculture Management System
A new to market, commercial aqua-farming company aiming to operate the world’s largest indoor shrimp farm facility required a purpose-built system to manage various aspects of the shrimp life-cycle – from stocking and tracking, to transfer and harvest – as well as their day-to-day operations. Since this was a new and quite unique business venture, the company did not have any prior software or processes in place and there was no availability of off the shelf software. The organization needed a system that would optimize the production output of shrimp farming processes through feed management, water quality management, work-flow and inventory management. It was also imperative that the software solution accurately track all data points of the growth life-cycle and allow for accurate reporting to maintain compliance.
The objective was to create a platform and device independent (web browser-based) solution, which would provide the client with the fastest performance for a mid to large scale application and avoid complicated licensing issues and challenges related to app deployment and management for companies of this size. The decision to move forward with a web-based solution also gave the opportunity to design an application using responsive web design, which would provide the client with the optimal viewing experience across a variety of devices – desktop, tablet & mobile.
The web-based aquafarming solution focused on ease of use, providing our client with a means to manage all aspects of their operations from a single centralized application. Since the product was web-based, the company would benefit from seamless updates to the application and allowing them to future-proof for forthcoming technological changes. The new system offered role-based security, the user’s ability to generate & print custom reports or save to PDF and provided the company with a means to share up-to-date information to employees in a consistent format. The capacity to track and manage all aspects of shrimp farm facility operations via the shrimp farm management system prepared the company up for rapid growth and scale while delivering quality products to a global market.