Agricultural Property Costing System
Property costing and valuation is an important part of determining insurance coverage, settling insurance claims, as well as overall budgeting and accounting functions. A client provided comprehensive costing services for agricultural buildings and properties. To efficiently compile all the data necessary for evaluations and estimates, the client required a rebuild of their original Adobe-based costing system. The build would need to streamline their process while making their evaluations more intuitive and user friendly.
Our client requested a solution that possessed a dashboard interface to display the total number of active property assessments as well as their expiration dates and cost revisions. The entire system needed to be able to house structure-specific details like square footage, cost adjustments, depreciation, and special features of the building. Administrators also needed to be able to manage accounts and groups in addition to viewing pricing and depreciation tables.
Users found the new design much more intuitive than the previous Adobe-air version. Accessibility was improved as well through the implementation of a web-compatible property costing system that could be run on tablets as well as desktop. There were fewer barriers to using the system as it no longer required an application download, and the modernized interface was significantly simpler to navigate for users. Dashboards also made it easier to assess large amounts of information at once. Overall, the entire property assessment tool became much easier to use and navigate, making It a drastically more intuitive process.